
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's been keeping me busy?

My winter art class is over, and I have completed four still life oils! I framed all of them wih black plein aire frames and hung them in my dining room and foyer. I think I like painting more than I love to sew. (I can hear my stash calling me to come play with them for a while too) Now that I have learned the technique to create compositions, I see more paintings coming in the near future. I would love to paint some jalopeno's for my daughters kitchen. What do you think?

Two peppers

Sweet and Sour

Red Hot Aubergine



  1. Hi! Thank you for the sweet comments you left for me, you are a great artist and you have yourself a new fan!!!~~~ and gave me a great idea for flip flops,

  2. You are very talented! If I could paint like that, I might not sew so much any more.

  3. They are all awesome, my favorite is the eggplant. I went from sewing to painting, and I love them both.... just wish there were more hours in the day!!


  4. P.S. You may have to change your blog to "Paint it my way" !!!

  5. Thanks all!! I'm an aries so I get my whims, what about Sew and Paint and everyelse that falls between?? Have a wonderful day out there, the weather is starting to get a degree warmer...
