
Friday, October 16, 2009


  1. Wow! Looks like you were all set for winter. How much of this do you still have left now that it's almost MARCH??

    Mahalo for following my blog. You got to go to Huahine?!? LUCKY!!


  2. Sorry, haven't updated this site since I startred painting and doing sewing classes who had the time. Thanks, for your compliment on my canning stash. Our family has been doing this and more for a long,long time so it's second nature. Yes Tahiti was a dream of ours and for our 25th anniversary we booked 13 days on a go on your own casual tour and met some wonderful people and did and seen some amazing things! Went to Bora Bora, Huahine, Moorea, Tahiti and visited the outer atolls. We love nature and Hemingway, Twain and the ocean. We've also been very fortunate to have traveled to all of the Hawaiian Isles many,many times since 68'. Luv Kauai and the last 6 times we went we always stay in Kapa'a near Lydgate. Cao!!!
